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Cosmica Painting Recipes

Written by John Walker


Posted on February 20 2017

A lot of people ask us how we painted the Cosmica buildings, so we've cornered Jay who did all that amazing work, and forced him to tell us all of his secrets! Here is a breakdown of the recipes that Jay used to paint the Warsenal Cosmica terrain:

The terrain is base-coated using matt enamel. It seals the mdf and provides a good starting point. Many pieces are painted before assembly to make things easier. 

All colors are applied with an airbrush, except where noted as stippled on with blister pack foam, and edge highlights are applied with a brush.


  • P3 Menoth White Base
  • P3 Menoth White Highlight
  • White (any brand)
  • P3 Cryx Bane Highlight mixed 50/50 w/ Menoth White Base (shadows)


  • Vallejo Orange Brown
  • Vallejo Cavalry Brown (shadow)
  • Vallejo Scrofulous Brown (highlight)
  • Vallejo Ice Yellow mixed in with Scrofulous Brown (edge highlight)


Dark Metal

  • Vallejo Dark Grey

(The next three colors are stippled on with blister foam):

  • Black (any brand)
  • P3 Cryx Bane Highlight
  • Vallejo Light Grey
  • Black (any brand) (shadow)
  • Vallejo Light Grey (as a Highlight, sparingly- then as line highlight)



  • GW Agrax Earthshade (sprayed via airbrush to darken spots)
  • 50/50 Vallejo Orange Brown and Cavalry Brown (sprayed as rust spots)
  • Umber Brown (Jay used an oil paint for this step but a P3 Umbral Umber works fine to, applied with blister foam as rust.)


There you have it! We'd love to see your painted versions of Warsenal Cosmica Colony terrain!



  • Comment author

    When using the matte enamel base coat what are you using? Is it an airbrush spray enamel or rattlecan? What color/brand are you using?

    Posted by Kurt Weihs | April 05, 2019
  • Comment author

    Priming Cosmica Bldgs – The insert that was included with my Cosmica building suggests using a latex primer with my airbrush. I’ve been using Vallejo/P3/Citadel paints (acrylics) with my airbrush for some time but have never shot latex through my brush. Can you recommend a good primer brand for latex primers and give any pointers on thinning and cleain9ng my brush afterwards?

    Posted by Kurt Weihs | April 05, 2019
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