⚖️ The heavens tremble; the dragon draws near. 🐉

WarStories #1: Adepticon Aftermath - unpacking and catching up

Written by John Walker


Posted on April 05 2019


     In a bid for some transparency and to further inform our customers and fans, I will aspire to write a weekly Blog to update anyone who would care, or be interested in the trials and tribulations of weekly shop business. If you feel so inclined you may ask questions and I will endeavor to answer them in the overcomplicated and overexplained way that is most natural to me.

     This week we returned from Adepticon, and as the modern philosophers known as "Cage the Elephant" once decreed, "there ain't no rest for the wicked". After quite a bit of overtime to prepare for the event, the 22-hour drive up,  4 days of working the booth and clandestine nighttime infinity games before the brutal 22-hour drive back, we look forward to a week of late nights catching up on the orders we postponed while out of town. (Not that we can ever be upset by having orders.)

     Anyone keeping an eye on Adepticon news and rumors may know we previewed some new terrain there, including our new Display Board "Daedalus Reactor 06" (pictured above). It was very well received at the event, and we have a lot of fans excited and asking about the release. This is one of those "beast" of kits I have perhaps become famous (or infamous) for and in an effort to break my worst re-occurring offense we will not be releasing it until we have a solid set of instructions to release with it, AND the shop is completely caught up with no outstanding orders.

     As a side note about my worst offense, I am so very sorry for all you patient and lovely people waiting on instructions for the Aristiea! Ultimate Hexadome (and other kits too T_T). I had some time consuming personal obligations and Adepticon to contend with, and they were massively delayed. They are currently my #1 priority and are close to being completed. Unlike our normal kits, Ultimate Hexadome is completely numbered and lettered though, so if you play match the numbers and match the letters, you'll get there on your own easily enough.

     For other goals this week, there's our second display board floating around in the need to be painted pile (some of you may have seen one painted by Lee Shirk, or could reveal it with a quick facebook search). I have ambitions to have it and the Daedalus board ready for Rumble but these are high hopes indeed. We have to bring our vendor kit back up to snuff and recover the shop from the ass-kicking it received on April 1st! (really, the odds of seeing Kojima markers on the field are quite high). 

     One last note on the display boards, we plan on doing one per set, as well as possibly some new ones too. We hope they are as popular as the requests for them have been. Personally, I think the Xigaun one will steal all the cake, but Daedalus proved to be a real showstopper at Adepticon. If you have any questions about them or anything else feel free to pick my brain in the comments. 

P.S. Spiral looks amazing, yes Chacksa Longarms too, and especially DRAAL. hmmm Tohaa love could eat up another whole post.


 "Deadalus reactor 06" Display board on sale soon!




  • Comment author

    I know you are working hard to get the hexadome instructions out, but is there any way we could get a few more pictures of the assembled model from various angles? Also, any painting tips? I am using airbrush and brush combo. I really like the appearance of your model and would like to mirror it as much as possible.
    Thank you for any help you can provide,

    Posted by Kurt Weihs | February 07, 2020
  • Comment author

    Yeah definitely going to need those instructions pretty soon and hopefully well tump out

    Posted by Nathan Ortega | April 05, 2019
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