⚖️ The heavens tremble; the dragon draws near. 🐉

Corvus Belli

Reinforcements: Yu Jing Pack Alpha

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Sku: 281335-1021-S2


Designed For

These Emergency Support Forces are operational groups scattered throughout sensitive areas that have been designated by the StateEmpire High Command, so they have become the most highly available strategic elements of the Yujingyu army.

This box includes 6 miniatures: One Hwarang with Light Shotgun, one Hwarang with CombiRifle, one Sulsa Warrior Hacker with Submachine gun, one Sulyong with ShockMarksman Rifle, one Sulyong Paramedic with Light Shotgun and one Dokkaebi Hacker. The perfect box to provide Reinforcements to your Yu Jing forces when things go wrong.