Shaolin monks practice Zen Buddhism and are outstanding martial artists. As the entirety of their training takes place inside their monastery, they are less than stellar with firearms, but in hand-to-hand combat they are nigh unbeatable. The strict discipline and rigorous training of their temple makes them instinctive fighters, fast and deadly.
This box includes 3 miniatures: 1 Shaolin Warrior Monk with Shock CC Weapon, 1 Shaolin Warrior Monk with DA CC Weapon and 1 Liang Kai, mercenary Shaolin. Including them in your Yu Jing army will provide you with a group of lethal martial artists with great tactical value thanks to their Smoke Grenades.
Excellent Collection of Models, Extremely Fun to Play
Look, the joy of watching your 5pt chain rifle-equipped Shaolin Monk appear out from behind smoke and proceed to hose four of your opponent’s 20 point models before dying gloriously in his third close combat is something every Yu Jing player should experience. To top it all off, these are amazing updated sculpts that I’ve had a wonderful time painting. 10/10